When you start planning your wedding, you want everything to be perfect. You think about making a personalized and unique wedding, according to your tastes, preferences and ideas that you are discovering. Whether it is a religious wedding or a civil one, to make the ceremony special, today we propose texts and poetry for weddings.
They will surely inspire you and will implicate your guests, suggesting that they show you their affection with some nice words. Also for you, if you are thinking of expressing your feelings to your partner in a romantic way with some emotional words.
Ideally, they should be short wedding poems and that several people read them on that special day for you.
Here we leave you our proposals. They are excerpts of love poems that have captivated us. They can inspire you, or you can read them directly.
To dedicate to your partner …

joyful happy smiling bride in a white dress with lace reads a letter at a wedding ceremony
Eternal love, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
The sun may cloud forever;
the sea may dry up in an instant;
like a faint crystal.
Everything will happen! May death
cover me with its funereal crepe;
but it can never extinguish in me
the flame of your love.
If you love me, love me whole, by Dulce María Loynaz
If you love me, love me whole
not by areas of light and shadow …
If you love me, love me black
and white. And gray, and green and blonde,
and brunette …
Love me day,
love me night …
And early in the morning at the open window! …
If you love me, don’t cut me off:
Love me whole … Or don’t love me!
Who shines, by Alejandra Pizarnik
When you look at me
my eyes are keys,
the wall has secrets,
my fear words, poems.
Only you make my memory
a fascinated traveler,
an incessant fire.
Contigo, by Luis Cernuda
My land?
You are my land.
My people?
You are my people.
Exile and death
for me they are where
You are not.
And my life?
Tell me, my life,
What is it, if it’s not you?
How Do I Love You?, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How do I love you? Well I love you
to the abyss and the highest region
What can I get when I chase
the limits of Being and the Ideal.
I love you in the most everyday life,
with the sun and the light of a candle.
With freedom, as one aspires to the Good;
with the innocence of those who crave glory.
I love you with the fever that I put before
in my pain and with my faith as a child,
with the love that I thought I lost by losing my saints …
With the tears and the smile of my life …
And God willing, I will love you much more after death.
Forever, by Mario Benedetti
If the emerald were dull,
if the gold lost its color,
Then our love would end
If the sun didn’t warm
if the moon did not exist,
then it wouldn’t make sense to live on this earth
as it would not make sense to live without my life,
the woman of my dreams, the one who gives me joy …
If the world did not turn or time did not exist,
then, I would never die, neither would our love die …
but time is not necessary
our love is eternal
we don’t need the sun
the moon or the stars
to continue loving each other …
If life were another
and death came
So, I would love you today, tomorrow …
forever … yet.
Inspirational poems for your guests to dedicate to you
When two souls finally meet, by Víctor Hugo
When at last two souls meet,
that for so long they have looked for each other in the crowd.
When they realize that they are couples,
that are understood and correspond.
In a word, they are alike,
then a passionate and pure union like themselves is urgently needed forever,
a union that begins on earth and lasts in heaven.
That union is love
authentic love, as indeed very few men can conceive,
love that is a religion,
that deifies the loved one whose life emanates
of fervor and passion and for whom the greatest sacrifices
Are the sweetest joys.
To love is to want the happiness of the other, by Martin Gray
Love is never harassment, it is joy, freedom, strength.
And it is love that kills the anguish.
Where love is lacking, fear and boredom are born.
Love is rapture, love is enthusiasm, love is risk.
Those who want to hide or hide their feelings do not love and are not loved.
Love is generosity, love is surrender, love is exchange.
Whoever gives a lot, receives a lot at the end of the day.
Because we own what we give.
To love is not to harm the other, to dominate them, but to accompany them on their way and help them.
Knowing how to accept the other as they are.
Rejoice in the happiness you achieve.
Love him in his entirety, because he is loyalty and beauty, flaws and qualities.
Here are the conditions of love.
Because love exists by virtue of indulgence, forgiveness and respect for the other.
The poem of the dove, Unknown Author
Two doves meet in the sky
Two loves hand in hand eye to eye
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and one soul
Two stars shining big and bright
Two fires carrying heat and light
Two songs played in perfect tune
Two flowers growing in bloom
Two pigeons soaring in the air
Two free loves without a care
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and one soul.
Of Marriage, from The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
You were born together and together you will remain forever.
Although the white wings of death scatter your days.
Together you will be in the silent memory of God.
But let your union grow in the spaces.
And let the winds of heaven dance between you.
Love each other, but do not make love a prison.
It is better that it be a sea that mixes between the shores of your soul.
Fill each other’s glasses, but don’t just drink from one.
Share your bread, but do not eat from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together, rejoice,
but that each one of you conserves the solitude, to withdraw to it sometimes.
Even the strings of a lute are separated,
although they vibrate with the same music.
Offer your heart, but not to be taken over.
Because only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stay together, but not too close together.
Because the pillars support the temple, but they are separate.
And neither the oak nor the cypress grow in the shade of the other.
We hope that these emotional wedding love poems inspire you for your romantic wedding.