Communication from Grupo Higar Novias to all our clients and customers

Dear customers,

As an extraordinary measure to guarantee public health and safety, and to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Higar Novias Group will temporarily close its stores, until the situation returns to normal.

Our team will continue to answer queries through our Social Networks. We have also enabled a phone service from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in each store, to answer questions from customers who have purchased a dress or suit and need information. We list them at the end of this communication.

The opening date is still to be determined. We ask for calmness, because we will be expanding information through our Social Networks. The important thing now is to stay at home, so that everything returns to normal as soon as possible.

We will continue sharing on Social Networks, to cheer-up these moments and continue creating hope and illusion in our brides, godmothers and bridegrooms.

We appreciate the trust you’ve placed in Higar Novias.

Customer service numbers

Portales num. 4. Fuente Palmera
Phone 673 329 646

BARCELONA 648 739 571
MADRID 648 739 571
OVIEDO 648 739 571
VALENCIA 637 669 141

MADRID 648 739 571
MÁLAGA 678 406 008
VALENCIA 601 340 131


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