Getting in mind if you´re tying the knot this year



Today´s post site is different. It brings you very useful information for brides to be. Higar Novias blog site is two years old already; we like to believe you consider it as your blog site. It has all kind of information: news from our newest collections, decoration ideas, inspiration for hairstyles, make-up …

We´re going to compile the most interesting post sites, which you will love to read if you are getting married. Would you miss it?

Let´s go step by step. Organizing a wedding means having a lot in mind. You have to think, decide, choose… Nevertheless, we know about the right formula for getting a perfect wedding day. Don´t you believe it?. If you organize things in advance, it is possible.

The wedding dress is the most important thing in a wedding. The bride needs to be radiant, elegant and feminine. Higar Novias Group has contributed to make happy loads of brides and we are very proud of it. Every year we introduce new collections, which bring you the latest trends. Do not hesitate to visit our shops. Our factory and main shop is located at 4 Portales St., Fuente Palmera- Cordoba- Spain. Come and visit us!

It is very important the bride prepares her skin some time before the wedding. We need to follow some steps and then, choose a natural make-up which makes us glow.

It is a tradition to gift our guests. This is something that could bring us mad, because we want to buy something nice but not very expensive. Here you are some ideas. Have a look to this previous post site:

Fall wedding guest ideas

It is time for choosing the sweet part of your wedding. We have to choose between having or not having a wedding cake; choosing a candy bar or a dessert buffet. In these post sites you can find some ideas:

Most jummy wedding cakes

Sweet Wedding Tables

What about having a photocall set in your wedding day? It will keep your guests busy and they will have a nice time wearing costumes. It would be a very funny remembrance.

The most original Photocall Ever

We can say that the wedding decoration talks about you. Sometimes the venue´s organization does everything and others you can include some of your ideas. Also it differs if it is during the morning or in the afternoon. Get some inspiration here:

Wedding balloon decorations

Easy-to-Make Paper Decorations for your wedding

Fruity Centerpieces

We cannot forget about the honeymoon. You will be looking forward to spending these days with your husband. Stress and arragements will have finished and you will have fantastic memories for ever. What do you think if we help you with your wedding luggage?

Things to put on your honeymoon packing list

We would like to know your opinion about all these ideas. If you think we have to talk about something specific here, please let us know.


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