COCKTAIL | Blog HigarNovias | Page 33

Elegant designs for evening events

As hotter days approach, the events are usually held at dusk, very close to the night, when temperatures begin to be more pleasant and it is pleasant to be on the street. If you are invited to a wedding, the probability of it being celebrated in the afternoon is very high and if you feel like going long, the dresses that we are going to teach you next will feel you very well.…

Guests with asymmetrical skirts

Today we will fill with color and inspiration the blog proposing some cocktail dresses whose skirt contributes a different touch to the look. Original and different are the designs offered by Manu García and Valerio Luna in their collections.

Dresses very glamorous and elegant, like this red in this cover with which we started.…

A dress for every occasion by Angela Ariza

Our designer Ángela Ariza is the protagonist of this post, because of her new collection is loaded with cocktail dresses very diverse. Of this we want to speak to you today, we are in a time of the year in which we have much to celebrate, events to attend and parties to enjoy, we want to provide inspiration for everything that which is to come, because this 2017 is a year full of good things and we would like that Higar Novias could be part of it.…